“You don’t get a second chance
to build your reserves.”

Are you on track to reach your Financial Finish Line?
If you don’t know, it’s time to find out here:

What is Wealth For?

Why do people want to grow and protect their wealth? I believe it’s to control their money, enhance lifestyle and enjoy peace of mind. To shed worry of daily financial uncertainty.

“In the old days Kings would build a war chest full of gold and silver to pay an army to defend them if they were attacked.

Today, while we don’t worry about attacks from conquering armies, we have risks of another kind…

Taxes, market losses, illness, accidents, losing business income, inflation, and running out of money in retirement.

Revae’s Private Reserve System allows you to build a war chest automatically. The strategies she shares are exclusive and allow you to prepare and plan ahead to defend against each of the risks we face in today’s world.”


My mission is to help people maximize their money, by leveraging their dollars to generate more dollars, just as the banks do.

Are you looking for a more efficient and effective way to grow wealth and create your war chest? How about making your financial life easier and save time with solid proof and guarantees?

Are you where you want to be financially?

Does your current wealth strategy give
you time, convenience, stabililty and ease?

That’s exactly why I do what I do. The conventional Wall Street investing cycle moves money from your pocket to Wall Street.

They make money investing yours and charging you fees to do it.

Jack Bogle, founder of Vanguard said “When Wall Street puts up zero capital, and takes zero risk, but takes 2/3rds of the profit, something is terribly wrong.”

This is why it’s so difficult for a person to build wealth…because they are taking their wealth and building Wall Street’s, not their own.

The ugly truth is many people will lose more money in taxes, fees and losses than they will ever make in any market gains.

The Private Reserve System is proven and provides one with dependable expectation. It removes the ‘what if’ scenarios and simplifies financial outcomes.

You’ll see in black and white your own personal numbers and unique alternatives to building and leveraging wealth most people have never seen before and are not using. I want you to have cashflow now, to avoid putting off for tomorrow what you could enjoy today – time, money, or both!”

The Speaker

Revae was an adjunct professor at Phoenix College teaching Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad curriculum for over 3 years.

Here are some of the topics she taught and what she can share with you!

  • How to create arbitrage and earn interest in multiple places with the same dollars.
  • How to finance real estate with double digit returns while maintaining liquidity.
  • How to leverage a bank’s money to increase wealth and create tax advantaged cash flow.
  • How to pay off your debt and get all the money back!
  • How to pay for capital expenses such as your kid’s college, vehicles, weddings, vacations, multiple homes and fund a increase retirement wealth with the same money, without having to choose one or over the another.

The Adventurer

Revae practices what she preaches. She helps her clients achieve their goals while living out her own. She travels the world to snow ski, scuba dive, and experience exciting adventures.

She has scuba dived in the Great Blue Hole in Belize, the Kelp Forest off Catalina, all over the Caribbean. She’s skied the greatest snow on earth in Salt Lake City, loves to go to Telluride, Colorado. She’s traveled to Italy, Spain, the Holy Land, Mexico, Canada and still has skiing in Japan and Chile on her bucket list.

“I love traveling off the beaten path. I love experiencing the culture, I love talking with the people, eating the food, and learning from other people across the world. It’s exhilarating.”

The Specialist

After graduating college, Revae spent two years in the Peace Corps in South America working in the jungle. She worked alongside with doctors to improve the health of people in poverty. Her intention was to become a physician herself.

Upon returning to the U.S. she realized she wouldn’t have the control over her career and whom she could care for in the current American health care system.

Medical school wasn’t the route for her. “I realized I would have a much, much greater impact in peoples lives, helping them with their finances, than I could as a doctor, so I spent years becoming a specialist in growing and protecting wealth and creating the Private Reserve System.”

“I wish everyone in America had the chance to travel and see how everyone else in the world lives. It’s a whole new world. Once you are exposed to that, you have an appreciation of everything that living in the United States offers, and you want to protect that.”

The Pragmatist

Revae learned at an early age that if she was going to get anywhere in life, she would have to produce. Her father taught her that if she was going to start something, she must finish it. She learned to solve problems, find the resources necessary, and get the job done right.

She takes this same approach with her clients, it’s critical to get the job done right the first time when it comes to wealth, because we don’t get second chances!

If you are looking for 1000% returns, Revae is not for you. Revae is selective about working only with people who are serious about real financial solutions, not people looking to get rich quick, or who enjoy gambling their money.


It’s easy to have optimism if one has faith. Revae’s mom took her own life a few years ago, after she spent years suffering from a nervous system disease similar to Parkinson’s. Although Revae wishes that outcome had turned out differently, without faith she would have endured a long emotional struggle. Instead, she later came away with faith and optimism for better outcomes for others. She now shares great empathy and resources to assist not only for those suffering from chronic illness, but for those who have lost loved ones to suicide.


Revae’s values are ingrained since she was a girl. Her parents grew up in Nebraska and both began working during childhood. They put themselves through college and pursued successful careers. Revae’s dad was an architect and general contractor, her mother was a nurse and later a real estate investor. They raised three daughters with their same work ethic and each is in private practice today. Revae believes the greatest value in life is the privilege of serving others and providing value. She very much believes in the American Dream and for folks to be positioned to create and take advantage of good luck and opportunity when it presents itself. Integrity is key, one can’t work with others without it!

Having a sense of humor and the ability to laugh at oneself and crazy situations is important to Revae. Being a sports enthusiast and risk taker, she tried lots of things growing up – some successful others affording many bumps and bruises. Her resiliency comes from getting up, dusting herself off, and looking at the silliness of what happened with gratitude and respect. Then on to the next adventure, for herself and her clients!

Readers Are Leaders

For Revae reading is a passion because of how the great books in the world can enlighten and educate, and change people for the better.

“I love reading books that expand my reality, that show how other people have thought big, and changed the world because of it.”

Reading helps expand horizons and see how playing it safe isn’t really safe at all, you might as well go for it.

“The average CEO reads 60 books per year.”

If you are ready to make it to the Financial Finish Line, Request a consultation today.

Contact Revae